

October 11

Galactic Signature

Kin 66: White Magnetic Worldbridger

Earth Family

Cardinal (Establish the Genesis)

What is your favorite color of the rainbow?


As part of our star family and another ourself we would love to know more about you. What brought you to Galactic Spacebook and what facets are you most interested in?

Because this social network use the internet to unifed the people who find their true nature around the world. Some people are far away and they think they were alone to think differently and speak the universe.Entourage (specially family who live in a little city, mine family) doesnt help to feel better on that. They feel your are crazy or feel you are schyzophrenia because you see something invisible they can not see. Its when you find the galactic spacebook you look fine to see your not alone and ur normal.

We've noticed that, more often than not, it is a fascinating story when someone shares how they learned about the Law of Time/13 Moon Calendar/Dreamspell. How or when did you learn about it? :)

Its when I find the Ummo Affair a link suddenly appers to the law of time to develop the apptitude of telepathy

What are your favorite books/music/art/movies?

Music electronic advanced, I love to read documentary, i'm fascinated about the art of life, abstract, everything I see is Art for me, I hate the tv so movie too but Internet is the best and powerful tools That I love to play with..

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  • Hola :)

    I am time believing to be energy alive


    Become TIMECRAT, a timecracy user aware of the real use of the law of time by God, to be everyone us.


    The Government of God

    Timecracy was born to help you and everyone achieve the conscious state necessary to live in the perfect order of our energy factorization at every present moment to be everyone from oneself (timecracy.com/pangea). It is your next stage for you to evolve the Mayan time. Using this knowledge or others based on the 13:20 frequency (timecracy.com/about/law) without being a timecrat aware of how energy factorization happens is very dangerous. Become a user to learn and know the true use and adopt the timecratic belief to renew your faith in the right direction (timecracy.com/vs).

    Timecracy.com/gsp about me,
    br-other me? Brbrrbrrr does noise! So, br->O(the,R) => letters are Kins, discover their tones knowing by (timecracy.com/about/kin) the synchronous order of the loom of time (timecracy.com/about/law) to make energy conscious to be alive (timecracy.com/about/energy)... with letters and numbers is programmed (timecracy.com/how) your energy factorization (timecracy.com/about/time). TIMECRACY is your destination after the galactic garden of mayan calendar, become now a TIMECRAT (timecracy.com/manifest).

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