

May 9

Galactic Signature

Kin 56: Yellow Self-Existing Warrior

Earth Family

Cardinal (Establish the Genesis)

What is your favorite color of the rainbow?


As part of our star family and another ourself we would love to know more about you. What brought you to Galactic Spacebook and what facets are you most interested in?

I am brought here by curiosity and a desire to connect with others while learning more about who we all are... I honestly am not sure what to expect or what this site will offer, but I do hope to find some good questions.

We've noticed that, more often than not, it is a fascinating story when someone shares how they learned about the Law of Time/13 Moon Calendar/Dreamspell. How or when did you learn about it? :)

I believe I linked to this information several years ago while attempting to learn more about what the Mayans had to say regarding the end of time. I recall being interested by a lengthy video from Jose Arguelles:"The Maya of Eternal Time"... my life took many unexpected turns. I abandoned the life I grew up in and hit the road. When I found the Rainbow Family, I knew I'd found home... it wasn't long before someone re-familiarized me with Jose Arguelles, and when I made it back to a computer I fell in love with the wealth of information available through the lawoftime.org site.

What are your favorite books/music/art/movies?

I have many... My favorite books, as much as I do enjoy more "grown up" intellectual fantasies(Tolkien, Robert Anton Wilson, Dostoyevsky, Rothfuss), are the sort of easy reads I feel good about recommending to anyone: "Ishmael", "My Ishmael and "The Story of B" from Daniel Quinn. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" trilogy in five parts by Douglas Adams... "Cat's Cradle" and "Sirens of Titan" by Kurt Vonnegut... "1984", "Down and Out in Paris and London" and "Animal Farm" by George Orwell... "Brave New World", "The Doors of Perception" and "Heaven and Hell" by Aldous Huxley... Favorite music is "live", not particularly the band, Live, but they're alright... Whatever is moving smiling faces is alright by me. Favorite art? I'm not sure about that at all, but without getting too specific, I really enjoy sculpture... big and intricate sculptures are awesome, but also interesting furniture or landscaping pieces. Favorite movies: "Howl's moving Castle", "The Neverending Story", "The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus"...anything at all with Terry Gilliam's name in the credits... "Pierrot le Fou", "Paper Moon", Fritz Lang's "M". "City of Lost Children", "District B13" and "District B13:Ultimatum", "Amelie"... many, many more... pretty much any movie which is well conceived and off the beaten path is my favorite.

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  • Hey there:) I'm also a kin 56 Self Existing Warrior. So where is here and now currently? Geographically speaking:)
  • Hello Dear, I will like to get acquainted with You, I have something Special to share with You, Contact me via email stacyndong@hotmail.com

    Miss Stacy

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