Wavespell of the Red Earth-08
Power of the Navigation.
From 5 to 17 of April 2014– Year 8 Seed.
N S 1. 26. 10. 2. Seli. Obsidiana. Mantra: HRAM. Rout UPC Kin 107 GPA (Saturday 5-4-2014)
The Magnetic Gate identifies the purpose. Which is my goal?
We just enter the Planetary Moon of the Dog of Manifestation, see www.ondaencantada.com . Also the 37 red Heptada “The Art stabilizes the Meditation". Wavespell of the Red Earth, of initiation, the 13th of the Tzolkin; third of the Genesis of the Monkey, and the first of the South Yellow Castle of Giving, Court of the Intelligence: Mature the Star. The Red Earth, the seal number 17 on the Galactic Archetypes is known as The Navigator (see http://ondaencantada.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/21-Arquetipos-Gal%C3%A1cticos.pdf). Fourth Breath, Leaf of the Initiation, Week Four. Meditations 13-16: Rinri Project: Time and the Biosphere, 260 Postulates. Core Curriculum: Mind-Body-Spirit Synthesis and Cultivation. Thirteenth Meditation: Genetic Presentation-Knowledge Initiates View. Time and the Biosphere: Genetic Order of Planetary Form - Resonant Field Model and Psi Bank. http://ondaencantada.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/13%C2%AA-MED.-Picarquin-ENGLISH.pdf The Red Queen gives us some recommendations of connection on the next 144 days: "144 Days to Star Remembrance", see http://1320frequencyshift.wordpress.com/2014/03/06/144-days-to-star-rememberance/ . We are on the earth, on fields or mountains. What are we doing there? Do we sit leaning on a tree? Do we walk? Do we touch the ground with our hands? Do we talk to a flower, a stone, a tree or a bird? Do we take a present for the elementals of the place? Do we meditate trying to perceive higher energies there than in the city? Do we ask the stellar beings taking advantage of the natural space that communicates directly with the sky? Do we close our eyes waiting to perceive the pure sound generated in there? Are we shamanic, do we dance, and sing in group or alone? Do we celebrate the arrival of the seasons of the year and full moons? Dow e considers he earth as a living being, GAIA, and as that she deserves respect and special care? We can do so many things in those sacred and magic places and these places elevate our vibration... The earth is the planet we choose to live in these moments to evolve in conscience life after life, learning the harmony, peace, compassion and love. God create us equally to all the existence any place in cosmos, and everyone has its different forms of manifestation, as a very specific way to go through the last step to His presence. Without the thinking of God as the Universal Creator, we can not understand the creation neither the evolutive terrestrial process. Everything has a beginning, a purpose and a final, in the way the facts happen in a space-time more comprehensible. We distinguish the earth as the place that receive our life, and travel around the sun, and together around the sun of Pleiades, Alcione; them do it around Arcturus... Until they make a complete circle to Hunab Ku, the center of our own galaxy “Milky Way". From the last thing we didn’t found out, but is what the scientists and light being told us. The process of the human being is to prepare and advance on the earth to the ascension to a higher levels where there is another ways of life that we didn’t know, and they are more subtle and full of love. We pass our days, and if we don’t use the priority to develop the spirit, the work, the relationships and actions..... It will take all of our time. When we go to sleep, we will ask ourselves. What have I done for the evolution of my spirit? Have I realize that I am something or than a physical body? What has been missing? Did I felt anger for absurd circumstances? Have I made a connection with really matters? Do I have the evolution of my soul as the priority on the process of my life?
White by Maria Teresa Rodriguez. 3 Wizard. Kin 94. España. mariateresamaya@gmail.com Translate by: Veronica Reyes, 13 Storm. Kin 39. México. www.ondaencantada.com www.lawoftime.org www.galacticspacebook.com |