

July 13

Galactic Signature

Kin 201: Red Rhythmic Dragon

Earth Family

Gateway (Open the Portals)

What is your favorite color of the rainbow?

light bluish-green

As part of our star family and another ourself we would love to know more about you. What brought you to Galactic Spacebook and what facets are you most interested in?

Interested in exploring, learning and sharing knowledge and wisdom. Very close to my dog, Zigmund Freud O' Ziggy Pop, and my life partner, Tom, who is my Twin Ray Soul ,for whom I am eternally grateful to have made this connection and to share yet another life experience with him. Poetry is in my soul, magnificence~in motion, Creator, Goddess, Intelligence, Intuitive, Mystical Traveler, Sensitive, Artist, Evolved Entity, Light Being, I am Love. I have experienced and had been allowed to see the unseen, the other side, overlay dimensions, plasma, aliens, ufo's and how everything is a living thing. I learned on a much deeper level, how I wanted to live my life, I chose Love not Fear. I am a Master, here to assist, educate and a Student ready to learn the next step in my evolutionary process, (when the time is right). My humor comes from a developed past life of being a Greek Elite Lunatic from Araby, my tolerance, non-judgement, and empathy comes from being a black man back in the days of slavery in the USA, I have had several lives that involved being a Japanese Warrior Princess, A Seaman from Bali, A male from the Hawaiian Islands (this could explain why I have no desire to eat fish in this lifetime). My interests include metaphysics, rhythmic dance, poetic rhyme. My career choice this lifetime: Apartment/Property Manager, Certified Housing Manager in Subsidized Housing. In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I support myself, and the universe supports me. I see evidence of the Law working all around me and in every area of my life. I reinforce that which I learn in joyous, positive ways. My day begins with gratitude and joy. I use my gifts in positive ways. I look forward with enthusiasm and joy in my heart to the adventures I experience every day, knowing that I am protected by the spiritual hierarchy that surrounds me and my family and friends with a protection protecting us from any negative influences, energies, experiences that do not serve us. "All is good." I love who I am and all that I am. I am living, loving, eternally grateful with a joyous heart that expresses itself full of life. All is well in my world. I love you Ziggy and Jubilee. By Angela

We've noticed that, more often than not, it is a fascinating story when someone shares how they learned about the Law of Time/13 Moon Calendar/Dreamspell. How or when did you learn about it? :)

online, exploring, it was time.

What are your favorite books/music/art/movies?

Bashar, Lisa Rene-Energectic Synthesis, David Wilcox, Ashana, Mechanics of Accession, Sylvia Brown, Eckart Tolle, Science of Mind, Sirius, human having a galactic experience, Mastering Alchemy, Jim Self, Esther Hicks, teachings of Abraham, Law of Attraction; as well as others who resonate with my soul.

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  • Hola :)

    I am time believing to be energy alive


    Become TIMECRAT, a timecracy user aware of the real use of the law of time by God, to be everyone us.


    The Government of God

    Timecracy was born to help you and everyone achieve the conscious state necessary to live in the perfect order of our energy factorization at every present moment to be everyone from oneself (timecracy.com/pangea). It is your next stage for you to evolve the Mayan time. Using this knowledge or others based on the 13:20 frequency (timecracy.com/about/law) without being a timecrat aware of how energy factorization happens is very dangerous. Become a user to learn and know the true use and adopt the timecratic belief to renew your faith in the right direction (timecracy.com/vs).

    Timecracy.com/gsp about me,
    br-other me? Brbrrbrrr does noise! So, br->O(the,R) => letters are Kins, discover their tones knowing by (timecracy.com/about/kin) the synchronous order of the loom of time (timecracy.com/about/law) to make energy conscious to be alive (timecracy.com/about/energy)... with letters and numbers is programmed (timecracy.com/how) your energy factorization (timecracy.com/about/time). TIMECRACY is your destination after the galactic garden of mayan calendar, become now a TIMECRAT (timecracy.com/manifest).

    Share TIMECRACY with your family and friend <3. From Chrome, u can install the App.
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