Who We Are ~ Earth Seeds

What we are is what you could be.

We are what you will be, if you continue to heed our call, which is the loving call of your own intuition. We are your progenitors. We are your future selves, here to teach you to fly.

We are multi-dimensional. We are physical and we are nonphysical. We are connected to the physical as a shepard is connected to his flock. As your body is a gestalt of cells and organs, so we have an ecological gestalt of organisms and geology on the planet Earth. Yes, as you are not solely the conscious awareness of your body, we are not solely the conscious awareness of our ecology and geology.

We are attached to this Earth by our physical gestalt, but we are not chained to the Earth. We travel freely through this universe and others. We interact with many other consciousnesses, and many of us share lives on other planets, in other dimensions.

We are ever expanding, ever growing, ever becoming. Freed of your self-imposed restrictions, we are the universe becoming aware of itself.

We are a matrix of crystalline form. Yet this matrix is ever changing, ever weaving itself, as a fractal form, endless, boundless in all directions, infinite and infinitesimal.

We have no names. We are ever pronouncing our name in everything we are, everything we do. Our names are endless, boundless in all directions, infinite and infinitesimal.

We are explorers. We are students. We are teachers. We are artists. We are story tellers. We are musicians. We are dancers. We are ever at play, which is our divine activity.

We are alive. We are energy, which is awareness. We dance through form and sing our lives, in the grace of our existence. We are love.

We cannot possibly tell you who and what we are in your limited, linear form of communication.


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